Friday, July 23, 2010

Some more catchup

On May 9th Joel and I celebrated our one year anniversary by going to the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC.  Once we got down there on Friday night our car decided to break down and we spent several hours in the car shop on Saturday.  For a while we weren't even sure if we would be able to make it to the Biltmore house before it closed but we did!  We got in the doors of the Biltmore house about 15 minutes before they closed them- but that meant we could stay in as long as we liked and it wasn't as crowded!  In the end it all worked out!

Heres a few randoms from the afternoon (of course I'm not allowed to take photos inside, so you'll have to visit yourself some time!)

First: The car shop where we spent SEVERAL hours...


the castle-- err house?




Note: I did not make him come ;) It was his idea, believe it or not by this face...


On Sunday we went to Tupelo Honey Cafe for brunch... a tiny whole in the wall amazing restaurant- you should definitely check it out.



okay- this is what we ate... who else puts Orchids on french toast plates? Can you say ahhmazing? Yes they are real flowers.


After we ate we walked down town a bit, saw a cool Cafe in a bus and a dude playing the saw... pretty awesome, and he looked like Michael Tate, crazy. 


When we got back to the car we had another leak and ended up back at the carshop- but besides all the issues it was a great weekend after all!  The main thing is- God is good ;)


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