Friday, September 25, 2009

Pic of the day

You may have seen my twitter update about the lady ringing up my groceries and singing a hymn... She was singing "Something happened, and now I know He touched me and made me whole". I had to smile, I said "I wish more people would sing those words" she slowly shook her head and said "Ya know, I don't care what people say or what they think, there's no touch like that, drugs won't touch people can't touch. Only He can."
Crazy how people are trying so hard to remove God's name from every monument, bill, lecture, speech etc, in a country that has "freedom of speech" and "freedom of religion". They can try as hard as they want- but they can never remove Him from our hearts. Guys we are a living representation of Christ, in a world that wants to shut Him out. What we say, what we do, how we act- all falls on Him. I speak for myself when I say that I'm not doing a good job of representing Him. God is love- I need that reminder... especially as this holiday season comes closer- and we're going to see even more attempts to rid Christ in Christmas. He is Good. He is faithful. Love Him, love people.

anyways... on a not so serious note, I was going through some old pics and ran across this picture of my beautiful niece! Just thought I'd show her off.


1 comment:

  1. Aaawww that's my beautiful princess!! Look at how big her eyes are! :) So pretty. Thanks Reeree.
