Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Allie Hines

Yesterday morning I woke up early got ready and headed off to Elon University to see my best friend, Allie. I've known Allie since 7th grade- and we have been best friends about that long. This girl has stuck with me through everything and I'm not sure what I would do without her. About a week ago Allie contacted me and asked if I would take some headshots of her for her 'resume' for school. Excitedly (yet nervous) I accepted the task and yesterday morning was the day.
I got to her apartment around 9am, praying the sun would peak through the clouds- or that it would hold off rain. (It did- it didn't rain until after we were done and eating lunch in a little cafe on campus. Thanks you Jesus). When I saw Allie she was her normal bubbly self all excited to get photographs- like a little kid waiting to play dress up. She was gorgeous (as always).
She has such a fun spirit, it's hyper, often excited, fun but can also be serious when the time calls for it. She has mellowed me out over the years and the girlishness you may see in me today is alot to her credit. So Thanks Allie for being such a fabulous friend and I hope the pictures show your beauty to the world!




(isn't she gorgeous?!)



(I loved these columns!)


(she's so cute)

Okay- so that was alot. Loving those comments- keep 'em up!



  1. Carrie... you're so lucky to have such cool architecture around to shoot with! :) And... to have a beautiful friend in Allie :) Huzzah!

  2. i still love these so much! cant wait to see the new ones!!!! ps i am not stalking you at all...
